Reduce in Swift

Greetings, Swift aficionados! Today, we’re diving into one of the most powerful yet often misunderstood higher-order functions: reduce. If you’ve ever needed to boil down a collection into a single value, reduce is about to become your new superpower.

The reduce method combines all items in a collection to create a single value. It’s like having a master chef for your data, creating a delicious final dish from many ingredients!

Let’s start with a simple example:

let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
let sum = numbers.reduce(0, +)
// Output: 15

Here, we’ve summed up all the numbers in the array. The 0 is our starting value, and + is the operation we’re performing.

Let’s break down what’s happening with a more explicit closure:

let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
let product = numbers.reduce(1) { (result, number) in
    return result * number
// Output: 120

In this example, we’re calculating the product of all numbers. The closure takes two parameters:

  • result: The running result (starts with our initial value, 1)
  • number: The current element we’re processing

Reduce isn’t just for numbers. We can use it with strings too:

let words = ["Swift", "is", "awesome"]
let sentence = words.reduce("") { $0 + " " + $1 }
                    .trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces)
// Output: "Swift is awesome"

This code combines all words in the array into a single sentence by using reduce to concatenate them with spaces, then removes leading and trailing whitespace with trimmingCharacters, resulting in the output “Swift is awesome”.

The result of reduce doesn’t have to be the same type as the collection:

let characterCounts = words.reduce(into: [:]) { (counts, word) in              
      counts[word, default: 0] += 1
// Output: ["awesome": 1, "Swift": 1, "is": 1]

Here, we’ve reduced an array of strings into a dictionary of word counts. This code uses reduce(into:) to create a dictionary where each word from the words array becomes a key, and its value is the count of how many times that word appears in the array, resulting in a word frequency count.

Let’s use reduce with a custom struct:

struct Item {
    let name: String
    let price: Double

let shoppingCart = [
    Item(name: "Apple", price: 0.5),
    Item(name: "Banana", price: 0.25),
    Item(name: "Orange", price: 0.75)

let totalCost = shoppingCart.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.price }
print("Total cost: $\(totalCost)") 
// Output: Total cost: $1.5

This code calculates the total cost of items in a shopping cart by using reduce to sum up the prices of all items in the shoppingCart array, resulting in a total cost of $1.5.

Swift provides two versions of reduce. The reduce(into:) variant can be more efficient for certain operations, especially with dictionaries:

let letterCounts = words.reduce(into: [:]) { (counts, word) in
    word.forEach { letter in
        counts[letter, default: 0] += 1
// Output: ["a": 1, "e": 2, "f": 1, "i": 2, "m": 1, "o": 1, "s": 3, "S": 1, "t": 1, "w": 1]

This code uses reduce(into:) to create a dictionary that counts the occurrence of each letter across all words in the words array, treating uppercase and lowercase letters as distinct characters.

Reduce often works well in combination with other higher-order functions:

let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
let sumOfSquaresOfEvens = numbers.filter { $0 % 2 == 0 }
                                 .map { $0 * $0 }
                                 .reduce(0, +)
// Output: 220

This code filters even numbers from the array, squares them, and then sums the results, combining filter, map, and reduce operations to calculate the sum of squares of even numbers, resulting in 220.

You can use reduce for more complex aggregations:

struct Student {
    let name: String
    let grade: Int

let students = [
    Student(name: "Alice", grade: 85),
    Student(name: "Bob", grade: 70),
    Student(name: "Charlie", grade: 90),
    Student(name: "David", grade: 65)

let gradeReport = students.reduce(into: (highest: 0, lowest: 100, total: 0)) { (result, student) in
    result.highest = max(result.highest, student.grade)
    result.lowest = min(result.lowest, student.grade) += student.grade

let averageGrade = Double( / Double(students.count)

print("Highest grade: \(gradeReport.highest)")
print("Lowest grade: \(gradeReport.lowest)")
print("Average grade: \(averageGrade)")
// Output:
// Highest grade: 90
// Lowest grade: 65
// Average grade: 77.5

This code uses reduce(into:) to simultaneously calculate the highest grade, lowest grade, and total grade from an array of students, then computes the average grade, demonstrating how reduce can perform multiple aggregations in a single pass through the data.

Let’s look at a more practical example. Say you’re building a financial app:

struct Transaction {
    let amount: Double
    let type: TransactionType

enum TransactionType {
    case credit
    case debit

let transactions = [
    Transaction(amount: 100, type: .credit),
    Transaction(amount: 50, type: .debit),
    Transaction(amount: 75, type: .credit),
    Transaction(amount: 25, type: .debit)

let balance = transactions.reduce(0) { result, transaction in
    switch transaction.type {
    case .credit:
        return result + transaction.amount
    case .debit:
        return result - transaction.amount

print("Final balance: $\(balance)") 
// Output: Final balance: $100.0

In this example, we’ve used reduce to calculate the final balance after processing all transactions. This demonstrates how reduce can handle complex logic within its closure.

reduce can also be useful when dealing with optionals:

let optionalNumbers: [Int?] = [1, nil, 3, nil, 5]
let sumOfNonNil = optionalNumbers.reduce(0) { $0 + ($1 ?? 0) }
// Output: 9

reduce can be a powerful tool for string manipulation:

let names = ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"]
let commaSeparatedNames = names.reduce("") { result, name in
    result.isEmpty ? name : result + ", " + name
// Output: Alice, Bob, Charlie

While reduce is incredibly versatile, it’s important to consider performance, especially for large collections. In some cases, a simple for loop might be more efficient:

var sum = 0
for number in numbers {
    sum += number

This can be faster than reduce for simple operations on large collections.

Sometimes, there might be more specialized methods for what you’re trying to achieve. For example, if you’re just summing numbers, you could use:

let sum = numbers.sum()

Or if you’re looking for the maximum value:

let max = numbers.max() ?? 0

These specialized methods can be more expressive and sometimes more efficient than using reduce.

Wrapping Up

As we’ve seen, reduce is an incredibly powerful tool in your Swift toolkit. It allows you to condense collections into single values, whether you’re working with numbers, strings, or complex custom types.

Remember, the power of reduce lies in its flexibility. You can use it to:

  • Perform mathematical operations across a collection
  • Build strings from arrays of characters or words
  • Create dictionaries from arrays
  • Implement custom aggregation logic

While reduce can handle many tasks, it’s important to consider readability and performance. Sometimes, a more specific method or a simple loop might be more appropriate.

As you continue your Swift journey, keep reduce in mind whenever you need to boil down a collection into a single value. With practice, you’ll find it becoming an indispensable tool in your programming arsenal.

